Wednesday 26 October 2016

The river of water of Life which flows before the throne of God

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. {John 7 :38}
Jesus  said . "I will give the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts

And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

In the middle of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits , each tree yielding its fruit every month . And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
{Revelation  22 :1—2}My Dreams and Visions in the Holy Spirit

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Conference with Pastors and Leaders. Jesus Christ is the wonderful Mighty living God and He is the Creator of all. He is always waiting to do miracles and wonders to His people who are in distress. 
The Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God and He is the Love of God . He is the Mighty Saviour and the good Shepherd . Power is given to us in the Holy Spirit to cast out Devils ,to cure the sickness and to do Miracles and wonders in Jesus Mighty Name . Jesus said "Believe Me and follow Me .you will see the glory of God.Do not go to the world without Holy Spirit 

.After filled with the Holy Spirit ,you go to the world to save the Souls and cast out the Devils and to do miracles and wonders in My Mighty Name.Do not fear !go to the world in My Name to preach the Gospel to the poor."

Jesus Christ is Mighty saviour and good Shepherd .

The Trees on Lebanon Hills
My vision in the Holy Spirit .
In the year 1988  when I have   praying in tears, I could find the sky opened and a soul came down from the Heaven. That Lord before me and expressed to read psalms.  92:12-- and it lifted to the Heaven. 
 Praise the Lord..

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree; they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; 
 Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. 
 They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green, 
 Proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.”
{Psalms  92: 12—15}

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